International IDEA - new data about money in politics
Because of my thesis, I couldn't prepare one post about US Elections, mainly US Primaries. But I will, and it will be as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, International IDEA made an annoucement today of its new global database on money in Politics. It's exactly the object of my thesis, and it's a rich specialised work. Again it's highly recommended, and more interesting is to check out the data about US elections, when will be spent more than 6 million dollars. Where? Well, it will be in marketing basically.
There are versions in English and Spanish. For more informations, click here.
Depois de virar o mundo, vi que a política é um talento de poucos, e a democracia verdadeira para privilegiados... "Para dar una vez en el clavo hay que dar cien en la herradura".
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012
Gender Equality.... more important than ever...
For those who are interested about gender equality, I highly recommend this new publication of International IDEA, with updated informations.
New Publication International IDEA
You can make full download free of charge, in PDF format. The database is Latin America, and sadly we can see how far we are from reaching gender equality in this region, in despite of the election of women for Presidents.
But... we can't give up...
For those who are interested about gender equality, I highly recommend this new publication of International IDEA, with updated informations.
New Publication International IDEA
You can make full download free of charge, in PDF format. The database is Latin America, and sadly we can see how far we are from reaching gender equality in this region, in despite of the election of women for Presidents.
But... we can't give up...
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012
... and what about the women?
Today is the famous international women's day. It's celebrated every year with strong demonstrations of female proud worldwide. It’s totally fair, considering that women's world nowadays is not like before, maybe 50, 100 years ago.
It's really common debating some data about women's condition in 8th March. In my opinion, although it's important to share positions about violence, equal labour opportunities and women's leadership, maybe I prefer showing here in the blog how's their participation in politics like.
Everyone thinks that the right to vote is the way to give voice to social demands, to choose who we would like to decide important things and who we would like to represent us. Obviously the universal suffrage is really important and represents a great conquest in 20th century. However, the right to vote is not enough.
Although national frameworks for gender equality might exist, political parties have not incorporated these into their intra-party processes and systems. It's rare not to find laws which bring it into countries' legislations. Political parties are very good at making statements about gender equality – but they are sadly lacking in the identification, selection and nomination of female candidates for leadership positions. All internal party cultures too often reflect unwritten rules on male privilege and the use of power as a tool for domination by one gender.
Today is the famous international women's day. It's celebrated every year with strong demonstrations of female proud worldwide. It’s totally fair, considering that women's world nowadays is not like before, maybe 50, 100 years ago.
It's really common debating some data about women's condition in 8th March. In my opinion, although it's important to share positions about violence, equal labour opportunities and women's leadership, maybe I prefer showing here in the blog how's their participation in politics like.
Everyone thinks that the right to vote is the way to give voice to social demands, to choose who we would like to decide important things and who we would like to represent us. Obviously the universal suffrage is really important and represents a great conquest in 20th century. However, the right to vote is not enough.
Although national frameworks for gender equality might exist, political parties have not incorporated these into their intra-party processes and systems. It's rare not to find laws which bring it into countries' legislations. Political parties are very good at making statements about gender equality – but they are sadly lacking in the identification, selection and nomination of female candidates for leadership positions. All internal party cultures too often reflect unwritten rules on male privilege and the use of power as a tool for domination by one gender.
In essence, political parties are failing the electorates of their countries.
In Latin America, since some years ago we can see changes in the political leadership. Women are reaching high political positions, such as president, prime minister, important public offices in general. On the other hand, in other continents this is not so common as it should be, like Europe. There's a really interesting article about this here (version in spanish), and another here (version in french, although it's about the presidential propositions in France).
In countries like Arabic ones the challenge is bigger than in other sides of the world. Women have suffered disproportionately from an autocratic culture at all levels of society. At the same time, the region has several bright spots in terms of women’s participation: in Libya the newly adopted electoral law guarantees women at least 40 out of 200 seats in the constituent assembly that will draft the new constitution for the country. And in Tunisia, women won 27% of seats in the 2011 elections as a result of party quotas – although far from perfect, this was far above the regional average. We could celebrate these numbers regarding new democracies with problematic democratic transitions.
Anyway. in my opinion, there's no machism in having a day dedicated for women. We still have many challenges and a long way to ride... mainly in politics.
In Latin America, since some years ago we can see changes in the political leadership. Women are reaching high political positions, such as president, prime minister, important public offices in general. On the other hand, in other continents this is not so common as it should be, like Europe. There's a really interesting article about this here (version in spanish), and another here (version in french, although it's about the presidential propositions in France).
In countries like Arabic ones the challenge is bigger than in other sides of the world. Women have suffered disproportionately from an autocratic culture at all levels of society. At the same time, the region has several bright spots in terms of women’s participation: in Libya the newly adopted electoral law guarantees women at least 40 out of 200 seats in the constituent assembly that will draft the new constitution for the country. And in Tunisia, women won 27% of seats in the 2011 elections as a result of party quotas – although far from perfect, this was far above the regional average. We could celebrate these numbers regarding new democracies with problematic democratic transitions.
Anyway. in my opinion, there's no machism in having a day dedicated for women. We still have many challenges and a long way to ride... mainly in politics.
martes, 6 de marzo de 2012
Dilma e Merkel: Realmente tem algo em comum entre elas?
Eu já declarei aqui no blog o meu apoio à Dilma. Sei que muitos podem dizer que nao é possível de se apoiar um presidente sendo que eu nao moro no Brasil já faz tanto tempo, que eu nao votei (realmente eu nao votei, tinha que ir até Madrid e Salamanca nao é tao perto, além do custo que no final é considerável), e tantos outros argumentos, os quais eu refuto de plano. Volto a dizer: Dilma tem um passado que faz dela uma pessoa com cabeça para governar o Brasil. Além disso, é bastante culta, esperta. Tem fama de general, e eu acho que para ser presidente do Brasil, essa fama é a melhor de todas.
Agora passemos à análoga Merkel: como uma típica alema, tem uma educaçao invejável. Altamente instruida para governar um dos países mais poderosos do mundo, já chegou a ser comparada a Margaret Thatcher. Ambas vem de setores de direita de seus países. Seu partido (CDU - Uniao Democrática Crista Alema) tem longa data, e ainda mais longa tradiçao de direita. Contudo, as semelhanças entre elas param por aí, já que nao se pode comparar as políticas aplicadas por cada uma, sao totalmente diferentes.
Merkel tem minha simpatia, e seus discursos no Parlamento Europeu sao muito, muito bons. Ainda tenho que ir para Bruxelas ver um diretamente.
Uma tem baixo sua mao a segunda maior potencia emergente mundial, ainda que tenha um crescimento muito aquém do necessário para tornar o Brasil equiparável a Alemanha. Ja outra está conseguindo com muitos louros manter seu país a parte de toda a crise económica que está devastando o continente europeu, e ainda manter um crescimento bom e uma muito aceitável taxa de desemprego. Ambas situaçoes sao de difícil manejo e nao podem ser conduzidas por qualquer pessoa.
Passemos para a ideologia. Dilma é do PT, partido que pelo menos tem uma proposta de esquerda. Merkel, como já disse, vem de berço "direito". Mas nao consigo vislumbrar diferenças fortes entre políticas adotadas por elas devido a este ponto. As duas foram as primeiras mulheres a exercer o cargo mais importante de seus países. Também eu diria que ambas sao de centro, e que também compartem pontos de vista em muitos assuntos, como a valorizaçao da familia, nao do aborto e eutanasia (ainda que aqui eu diria que a Dilma nao tem outra saída), o favorecimento do Estado de bem-estar. Além disso, da mesma forma que a Dilma costuma ter problemas de corrupçao com seus ministros, recentemente Merkel também teve o mesmo problema com o agora ex-presidente Christian Wulff, que ela havia escolhido. (Se você nao leu, aqui - versao em ingles; aqui - versao espanhol e aqui - versao em portugues).
Ontem na Alemanha ambas supostamente estavam em lados opostos na política econômica. Lógico, uma defendendo o que tem que se defender. Mas o fato é que ambas ainda me surpreendem, nao somente por ser a primeira e a terceira mulher mais poderosa do mundo segundo a revista Forbes, mas também por ser mulheres.... desculpem-me os leitores masculinos...
Eu já declarei aqui no blog o meu apoio à Dilma. Sei que muitos podem dizer que nao é possível de se apoiar um presidente sendo que eu nao moro no Brasil já faz tanto tempo, que eu nao votei (realmente eu nao votei, tinha que ir até Madrid e Salamanca nao é tao perto, além do custo que no final é considerável), e tantos outros argumentos, os quais eu refuto de plano. Volto a dizer: Dilma tem um passado que faz dela uma pessoa com cabeça para governar o Brasil. Além disso, é bastante culta, esperta. Tem fama de general, e eu acho que para ser presidente do Brasil, essa fama é a melhor de todas.
Agora passemos à análoga Merkel: como uma típica alema, tem uma educaçao invejável. Altamente instruida para governar um dos países mais poderosos do mundo, já chegou a ser comparada a Margaret Thatcher. Ambas vem de setores de direita de seus países. Seu partido (CDU - Uniao Democrática Crista Alema) tem longa data, e ainda mais longa tradiçao de direita. Contudo, as semelhanças entre elas param por aí, já que nao se pode comparar as políticas aplicadas por cada uma, sao totalmente diferentes.
Merkel tem minha simpatia, e seus discursos no Parlamento Europeu sao muito, muito bons. Ainda tenho que ir para Bruxelas ver um diretamente.
Uma tem baixo sua mao a segunda maior potencia emergente mundial, ainda que tenha um crescimento muito aquém do necessário para tornar o Brasil equiparável a Alemanha. Ja outra está conseguindo com muitos louros manter seu país a parte de toda a crise económica que está devastando o continente europeu, e ainda manter um crescimento bom e uma muito aceitável taxa de desemprego. Ambas situaçoes sao de difícil manejo e nao podem ser conduzidas por qualquer pessoa.
Passemos para a ideologia. Dilma é do PT, partido que pelo menos tem uma proposta de esquerda. Merkel, como já disse, vem de berço "direito". Mas nao consigo vislumbrar diferenças fortes entre políticas adotadas por elas devido a este ponto. As duas foram as primeiras mulheres a exercer o cargo mais importante de seus países. Também eu diria que ambas sao de centro, e que também compartem pontos de vista em muitos assuntos, como a valorizaçao da familia, nao do aborto e eutanasia (ainda que aqui eu diria que a Dilma nao tem outra saída), o favorecimento do Estado de bem-estar. Além disso, da mesma forma que a Dilma costuma ter problemas de corrupçao com seus ministros, recentemente Merkel também teve o mesmo problema com o agora ex-presidente Christian Wulff, que ela havia escolhido. (Se você nao leu, aqui - versao em ingles; aqui - versao espanhol e aqui - versao em portugues).
Ontem na Alemanha ambas supostamente estavam em lados opostos na política econômica. Lógico, uma defendendo o que tem que se defender. Mas o fato é que ambas ainda me surpreendem, nao somente por ser a primeira e a terceira mulher mais poderosa do mundo segundo a revista Forbes, mas também por ser mulheres.... desculpem-me os leitores masculinos...
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012
La libertad de expresión... el quitasueños de algunos políticos...
No hace muchos días que Rafael Correa, actual presidente de Ecuador, ha "perdonado" al periódico El Universal, sobre un artículo de Emilio Palacio, igual reproducido en periódicos de Colombia.
Dicho artículo motivó la demanda de Rafael Correa en contra de Palacio, El Universo y sus tres directivos, y generó en la sentencia de primera y segunda instancia en las Corte de Justicia del Guayas y la ratificación del fallo en la nueva Sala Penal de la Corte Nacional de Justicia.
La sentencia había condenado a tres años de prisión a Palacio y los tres directivos de El Universo y una demanda millonaria que en total era en el valor de 40 millones de dólares, más el pago de los abogados del querellante. La ejecución de dicha condena significaría también la quiebra de dicho periódico, evaluado alrededor en 35 millones de dólares.
La sentencia había condenado a tres años de prisión a Palacio y los tres directivos de El Universo y una demanda millonaria que en total era en el valor de 40 millones de dólares, más el pago de los abogados del querellante. La ejecución de dicha condena significaría también la quiebra de dicho periódico, evaluado alrededor en 35 millones de dólares.
Hay dos hipótesis casi que lógicas para eso. La primera se refiere a la presión internacional que Correa ha sufrido debido al caso. Resulta que la cuestión fue encaminada para la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, provocando el desgaste tanto de su imagen, como la del país. Juntamente con esto, Panamá ha acogido a uno de los directores del periódico (Sr. Carlos Pérez), y las manifestaciones contrarias a la condena fueron de gran proporción a través de las organizaciones internacionales. Además, muchos periódicos de notable confianza (como el Washington Post y el Le Monde) han declarado su repudia al caso, acusando al Presidente de atentar en contra de la libertad de expresión.
Correa y algunos de sus aliados niegan que ha sido la presión internacional la que provocó el pedido de anulación, porque según ellos, Correa ya había tomado esta decisión antes.
La segunda hipótesis tiene naturaleza interna, y se supone que se relaciona con las elecciones de 2013, en la cual Correa concurrirá a la reelección. Se piensa que Correa temiera por el impacto en las urnas de la repercusión del caso, justamente porque el Presidente considera que está siempre en campaña.
Sin embargo, ambas razones no son unánimes. Algunos analistas de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) no están totalmente de acuerdo, porque según ellos, después de 5 años de disputa entre Correa y los medios, el Presidente ha demostrado que no se encontraba en desventaja (ya que lograba la victoria en todos sus niveles en otras ocasiones similares), sin que esto afectara su desempeño en las urnas. Por lo menos dicho hecho no estaría comprobado.
Como último punto, los analistas predicen que dicho conflicto no va a desaparecer. Al revés, tiende a aumentar, ya que Correa ha dejado claro que se trataba de un perdón, pero no de un olvido. Esto igual se puede suponer por la reacción de otros canales de comunicación ante al cierre del caso.
Bueno, considerando sus antecedentes y la generación por la cual Correa ha sido sostenido (principalmente por Hugo Chávez), casi que seguro que todavía se verán muchos ataques a los medios ecuatorianos, lo que definitivamente es lamentable...
Russian Presidential Election: A Change for the Same?
Before the final results of the ballot (with more than 60% counted), Putin acted in advance to declare himself as a winner in this election.
The ex-agent of KGB was clearly emotioned, which means that the victory was not totally guaranteed. During his declaration, thousands and thousands of people were manifesting on his behalf. This result was confirmed hours later.
Many international observers said that this election was skewed. In fact, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is sure that this election suffered serious problems in its results, as many provinces had problems in counting their votes. A lot of similar situations were detected, making it doubtful about the fairness in this process, as we were expecting here... With this, the use of public goods in favour of Putin certainly helped him to have the necessary support in the ballot.
Although Putin had gotten only 47% of the votes in Moscow (where his opposition is bigger), he was elected with 63’81%, followed by Zyuganov (Communist Party) with 17,19%, and the surprise of this election, the millionaire Prokhorov, with 7,94% of the votes.
Reinforcing the suspicious about some electoral fraud, while I'm writing this post, thousands of Russians are in the streets with a strong repression from the police. Many were arrested and the perspective is about a violent protest.
As an evidence of fraud, the newspaper "The Guardian" had posted many videos showing suspicious situations, which is really sad. And not only this: many people who went yesterday to support Putin said that they were paid for that, and it could be proved just after the meeting. In few minutes, all the streets were empty, and many buses were around waiting for those people to carry them back to their homes. The price: 1000 rubles (around 40 euros).
(To watch the videos, click here).
Unfortunately, Russia couldn't express itself democratically. At least this is what all the evidences say. Sad, and regarding all this landscape, I refuse accepting Putin as a fairly elected President. He became authoritarian, and this is a fact. But in spite of this, I like the power of the protests. I can't predict what will happen, but if the movements continue, it will be hard to govern the country...
The ex-agent of KGB was clearly emotioned, which means that the victory was not totally guaranteed. During his declaration, thousands and thousands of people were manifesting on his behalf. This result was confirmed hours later.
Many international observers said that this election was skewed. In fact, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is sure that this election suffered serious problems in its results, as many provinces had problems in counting their votes. A lot of similar situations were detected, making it doubtful about the fairness in this process, as we were expecting here... With this, the use of public goods in favour of Putin certainly helped him to have the necessary support in the ballot.
Although Putin had gotten only 47% of the votes in Moscow (where his opposition is bigger), he was elected with 63’81%, followed by Zyuganov (Communist Party) with 17,19%, and the surprise of this election, the millionaire Prokhorov, with 7,94% of the votes.
Reinforcing the suspicious about some electoral fraud, while I'm writing this post, thousands of Russians are in the streets with a strong repression from the police. Many were arrested and the perspective is about a violent protest.
As an evidence of fraud, the newspaper "The Guardian" had posted many videos showing suspicious situations, which is really sad. And not only this: many people who went yesterday to support Putin said that they were paid for that, and it could be proved just after the meeting. In few minutes, all the streets were empty, and many buses were around waiting for those people to carry them back to their homes. The price: 1000 rubles (around 40 euros).
(To watch the videos, click here).
Unfortunately, Russia couldn't express itself democratically. At least this is what all the evidences say. Sad, and regarding all this landscape, I refuse accepting Putin as a fairly elected President. He became authoritarian, and this is a fact. But in spite of this, I like the power of the protests. I can't predict what will happen, but if the movements continue, it will be hard to govern the country...
Building a Constitucion: Challenge for the Arabic countries.
Now International IDEA is broadcasting an interesting conference about the building of a Constitution after the democratic opening in the Arabic countries....
Highly recommended!
Now International IDEA is broadcasting an interesting conference about the building of a Constitution after the democratic opening in the Arabic countries....
Highly recommended!
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012
The Parliamentary Elections in Iran
The 290 members of the Iranian Parliament are being chosen today, representing the largest electoral process since 2009, which reelected the current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009, followed by the mass protests after that.
Iran has an important lack of democracy, and these elections don't mean any trial of change (unfortunately), but it may shape the political landscape for a sucessor for Ahmadinejad, in 2013. This is an opportunity to see how is the level of legitimacy of the present political regime, mainly regarding the increasing of the international isolation due to nuclear program.
A strong showing on Friday for Ahmadinejad's backers would throw him a political lifeline and the chance to exert some influence over the next presidential election. Anything less would be a slap to Ahmadinejad and assure the next presidency goes to a Khamenei loyalist.
Iran's parliament carries more powers than most elected bodies in the Middle East, including setting budgets and having influential advisory committees such as national security and foreign affairs. The current parliament is led by a former nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani.
The abstention in the ballot would mean the weakness of Ahmadinejad. But not a change for the country.
The 290 members of the Iranian Parliament are being chosen today, representing the largest electoral process since 2009, which reelected the current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2009, followed by the mass protests after that.
Iran has an important lack of democracy, and these elections don't mean any trial of change (unfortunately), but it may shape the political landscape for a sucessor for Ahmadinejad, in 2013. This is an opportunity to see how is the level of legitimacy of the present political regime, mainly regarding the increasing of the international isolation due to nuclear program.
From early morning, state TV and media showed long queues of people waiting to cast their ballot. More than 48 million Iranians are eligible to vote at the nearly 47.000 polling stations across the nation. But this news about the participation in the ballot is suspect to be false. In the end of the day, public channels were announcing the extention of the time to vote for more 4 hours, because of " the voter's enthusiasm". Nevertheless, all the international journalists haven't seen it. They were banished to follow the elections, and what they could see was just a few people making a kind of "crowd" in front of the cameras, while in the other casts there was nobody. That's a possible reason for the "extention" of the vote period.
In the absence of major reformist parties, which were kicked off the political stage over the 2009 post-election riots, Friday's vote is seen as a political battleground for competing conservative factions that support the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and those backing Ahmadinejad.
The two top conservative groups, which were once united, have turned against each other after crushing reformists in the upheavals that followed Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election.
The vote is also a curtain raiser for next year's presidential election. A defeat for Ahmadinejad supporters would virtually guarantee a Khamenei loyalist as the next president and present a seamless front against Western efforts to curb Iran's uranium enrichment program.
A strong showing on Friday for Ahmadinejad's backers would throw him a political lifeline and the chance to exert some influence over the next presidential election. Anything less would be a slap to Ahmadinejad and assure the next presidency goes to a Khamenei loyalist.
Iran's parliament carries more powers than most elected bodies in the Middle East, including setting budgets and having influential advisory committees such as national security and foreign affairs. The current parliament is led by a former nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani.
The abstention in the ballot would mean the weakness of Ahmadinejad. But not a change for the country.
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012
E como havíamos cogitado aqui.... 2º turno para Senegal
Como já era esperado, Abdoulaye Wade nao conseguiu sua vitória eleitoral no 1º turno. Terá que competir com o candidato da oposiçao, Macky Sall um 2º turno que nao estava nos seus planos.
Como já era esperado, Abdoulaye Wade nao conseguiu sua vitória eleitoral no 1º turno. Terá que competir com o candidato da oposiçao, Macky Sall um 2º turno que nao estava nos seus planos.
O atual presidente de Senegal recebeu o apoio de 34,82% dos votantes, seguido por 26,57% que apoiou à Sall, restando as seguintes posiçoes para o candidato da Alianza "Benno Sigil Senegaal" (BSS), Moustapha Niasse, con un 13,20% e Ousmane Tanor Dieng, líder do ex governante Partido Socialista e candidato da coalición "Benno Ak Tanor", votado por 11,30% dos eleitores. A nao concentraçao da oposiçao em um só candidato acabou por dispersar votos, nao só em desfavor à propria oposiçao, mas também ao presidente que busca a reeleiçao.
Agora é esperar como sera o "clima" para março, já que até o dia 18 (provável data para acontecer a votaçao), ainda há muitos dias. O que se deseja é que nao haja protestos que possam desencadear a violencia.
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